Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The DIE is CAST(E)???????????

As I opened myself into the all encompassing world of media frenzy, amidst all the speculations of MODI’s cabinet and the resolutions of the congress working committee which reminded me of Sreenivasan’s epic scene in ‘Chinthavishtayaaya Shyaamala” , what caught my attention was a resignation charade which actually ended in ..a RESIGNATION .. that of ex Bihar CM Nitish Kumar. But as he steps down from the post he has nominated his successor too JITAN MANJHI, SC/ST welfare minister in his cabinet to the pivotal post, in what might turn out to be a political coup of epic proportions or literally the beginning of the END.

This move is interesting and engaging due to a multitude of reasons from the choice of the CM designate to the timing of the same when read with the national mandate to again the impending assembly elections in 2015.

India is a country where the “unity in diversity” card has been misused and literally made a mockery of itself in the decades since independence. From Shivsena playing the regional card to the Naga people’s front to Shiromani  Akali  Dal and likewise to the RSS, IUML,AIMM and so on playing the religious tunes ..  BSP and  all of them formed as a part of safeguarding the interest of the weakened classes, these have actually torn apart the farce of the unity and diversity card and it is indeed a marvel and credit to the Indian people that we soldier on.

Out of all these the most misused one is the caste card and historically also the changing leaderships has played the caste tunes to help further their aims. And Nitish has not deviated in this path as his choice is from the MAHADALIT community which according to many is as backward you can go in the caste hierarchy that too in a state where the caste system has not broken down completely or the emancipation of the lower caste have not happened fully. Through this many pundits believe Nitish would like to cash on this trend and gather support among them especially in the light of having had to fight the parliament elections on its own and suffering a dismal defeat.

There are many who also believes this move is a political coup because it will give Nitish control as well as cash in on the minority votes. But only time will tell if this is because when you analyse 2014 general elections results you do find some notes of difference which may prove a peril for him.
2014 elections will always be remembered for the swashbuckling way in which Narendra Modi captured the imagination of the masses that propelled the alliance he led to a victory beyond their wildest imaginations except for Amit Shah who predicted a seat share of above 300. But this election also has seen a paradigm shift in the electoral nature of the Indian middle class as well as the lower classes. The one disturbing fact which Nitish would do well to keep in mind is that all the parties like BSP which used to thrive on the caste card have been decimated in the mandate. The common man has shown that if given a choice between a regionally strong party which supposedly takes care of them and a strong national party with a very well oiled machinery which can definitely come good on their promises if they want to, they would take the latter. The same has happened to some regional players like the MNS ,RLD and RJD, the exception being AIADMK.
The move by Nitish can be seen as a political gamble keeping in mind the impending state elections as a way of recuperating losses now but this might even backfire in the most disastrous ways.

At the end of the day all this caste polarisation might turn out to be a one time wonder and the nation would go back to the tried and tested ways next time around but something tells me the new generation of voters are looking not for a blast from the past and archaic concepts but a strong central  ideology and not caste based one focussing on development and prosperity and the title I have given to this monograph will have to be tweaked to “The CAST(E) is D(ying)IE??????? ”    

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